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HMC Firmware Update for 7042-CR9 to V9R2 M950

IBM has made firmware available to allow 7042-CR9 (x86 appliance) HMCs to support POWER9 servers. This is a temporary fix as support for the 7042-CR9 is limited.

Partners and customers can obtain the firmware update for their 7042-CR9 HMCs to V9 R2 M950 at Fix Central.


IBM Power Hybrid Cloud Enablement

With 98% of organizations expected to use multiple hybrid cloud environments by 2021, Tech Data has created targeted enablement to help Partners change the conversation to hybrid cloud, and become that trusted advisor to their clients and prospects. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please reach out by sending an email to [email protected].

  • *NEW* Capacity Planning and Performance Reporting for IBM Power
    As our customers begin the decision-making process for updating their infrastructure, there is no shortage of options available to them. Whether it’s upgrading their on-premises hardware, adding a layer of flexibility with dynamic capacity, or moving their workloads to the Cloud, the importance of capacity planning has never been more relevant. For any scenario, having sufficient historical data is the key component for properly right-sizing capacity.
             Join HelpSystems to learn about best practices for handling your customers’ evolving hardware needs.
      Watch  Passcode: Qve6y*i#  

  • Hybrid Cloud Strategy and Solutions Update with Client Use Cases and Examples
    As more Power clients embrace Cloud Infrastructure capabilities across the growing portfolio of hybrid multi-cloud solutions on Power, we explore the latest private, public and hybrid cloud offerings from Red Hat and IBM for incrementally transforming AIX and IBMi applications by complementing them with Cloud Native applications along with diving deeper into several client use cases and examples.
         Speakers: Joe Cropper, IBM; Chuck Bryan, IBM
         Watch  passcode: u0weCaau  |  Presentation

  • How to make money with IBM Power Systems Virtual Server on IBM Cloud
    This presentation covers pricing and how to gain revenue by selling cloud from a pay as you go model to 1 or 3-year contracts.
         Speakers: Ken Jayne, IBM
         Watch  passcode: $!8aXLBB  |  Presentation

  • IBM Power Systems Virtual Server on IBM Cloud Architecture
    In this session we discuss the IBM Cloud Power Virtual Server, how it is organized, capabilities, certifications and road maps.
         Speakers: Jose Paez, IBM; Shamsundar Ashok, IBM
        Watch  passcode: ?5b@77aG   |   Presentation

  • IBM Power Systems Private Cloud with Dynamic Capacity for Scale-out Servers   
    This webinar covers the new Shared Utility Capacity support for S922 and S924 with pay-per-use compute and resource sharing via Enterprise Pools 2.0, as well as what the offering is, when you should offering it vs. static full active systems, use cases and simulated scenarios. 
         Speakers: George Gaylord, IBM; Daniel Goldener, IBM
        Watch  passcode: ?5b@77aG   |   Presentation

  • Understanding the Business Value of Red Hat OpenShift, Ansible and IBM Cloud Paks in your AIX and IBMi Environment
    This session will dive deeper into how Red Hat OpenShift, Ansible and Cloud Paks can extend the capabilities of AIX and IBMi with containerization and automation
         Speakers: Chuck Bryan, IBM
         Watch  passcode: rM40St!H   |  Presentation

  • How to Integrate Red Hat OpenShift, Ansible and IBM Cloud Paks in your AIX and IBMi Environment
    This session will cover options on how you can implement Red Hat OpenShift, Ansible and Cloud Paks in the AIX and IBMi environment. 
         Speakers: Marshall Hall, IBM
         Watch  passcode: vx!3MLSw  |  Presentation

  • IBM Power Systems Scale-Out Servers with Flexible Consumption
    This webinar will cover the new Power Scale Out Server offering (G Models) along with how to position Pools 2.0 flexible/dynamic capacity with your customers. 
         Speakers: Dan Sundt, IBM
        Watch  passcode: xGZ?MNHf   |  Presentation

  • IBM Power Systems Scale-Out Servers Internal Storage Options
    This webinar will explore internal storage options on the new Scale-Out Server offering (G Models). We will discuss in detail internal storage and performance characteristics of NVMe within IBM Power System servers. 
         Speakers: Dan Sundt, IBM
        Watch  passcode: i?MJb594   |  Presentation

  • How to Identify Hybrid Cloud on Power System Opportunities
    An exclusive webcast for IBM Business Partners where IBM team will discuss market trends, client pain points, and personas, and review the IBM Power Systems suite of cloud capabilities. IBM Power Systems clients and in general clients in the market, need help integrating their workloads into their hybrid cloud environment. 
         Zayrus Romero, Global - Senior IBM Partner Ecosystem Marketing Leader - Power Systems IBM
         Misha Rangel, Global - Senior IBM Power Systems Product Marketing Leader IBM
         Steve Gessner, Global - Manager and Distinguished Market Intelligence Professional- IBM Systems